The Nigeria Loofball League (NLBL): Expand your reach with unique sponsorship offers

Polaris Sports

The Loofball Sport Development Initiative, LSDI, is thrilled to announce her sponsorship offering for the maiden season of the Nigeria Loofball League, NLBL. This comes as the organization continues to make concerted efforts towards making loofball a mainstream sport.

The NLBL is a youth league designed to enable youths start a career in loofball and unlock novel opportunities for businesses, investors and sports enthusiasts.

Advertising with the NLBL offers a unique opportunity for brands and organizations to not only reach the expanding loofball community across the country, but also increase their exposure via promotions and marketing.

Included in the proposal below are different sponsorship packages to choose from, with each package coming with specific benefits. Should you find a package that fits your brand, kindly fill the sponsorship form (also included in the proposal) and reach us via the contact details provided. 

The NLBL Sponsorship Proposal

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